Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why Ministers Quit: #4

Here is the 4th reason why ministers quit the good work:

They become the Blame Target.

Like a bull’s eye, the minister, along with his family, is often the biggest target for members’ criticism, gossip, slander or outright attacks.

“I was sick, and he didn’t even call!" one member may complain.

Another echoes, "I was in the hospital for a whole week, and he never visited me one time."

"My sister passed away, and I never got a card from the church,” says another in the chorus of blame.

There is no end to the rants of blame targeted at the ministers like fiery darts at fair game.

Sometimes a sneaky or smart minister may weave into his sermons and teachings some of his feedback to member's complaints and criticisms. But often this comes across as defensive and proves to be a losing game, as members are quick to pick up on such maneuvers from the pulpit.

Soon the minister who becomes the target of repeated blames may feel like he has no effective way of getting his case heard. Even the great the prophet Moses had his limits when it came to the people's murmuring against him.

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