Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is Barack Obama Arrogant? That's a Good Thing!

What is this thing about Barack Obama being arrogant, having a big ego, and so forth?

In lieu of Obama being a black man, it is good that he comes across as proud and large. In America, a black man is supposed to appear timid and ignorant, not knowing what he's doing. After all, the black man is supposed to look and act inferior to the white man. And when he does not fit the mold, he's attacked as if he's out of place.

What John McCain and some in the US media are describing as presumptuous and arrogant is rather seen by millions of us as confident and intelligent. And it's about time for us to see a black man cast himself as a natural leader.

Yes, a black guy that dares to know what he is doing! What a change! And the McCain camp just can't stand it, or may be they choose not to understand it.

Call Obama arrogant, because he dares to look presidential. But it is McCain who continues to be whinny and nick picky. You call him presumptuous; we call him presidential. You call him arrogant; we see him as confident and intelligent.

What am I missing? When a white presidential candidate does and sounds the same as Barack Obama, he is called presidential and confident. But when a black guy follows suit, he's attacked as presumptuous and arrogant.

I guess arrogance is in the eye of the beholder.

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