Thursday, July 24, 2008

Three Types of Friendship

There are various types of friendship with reference to time or timing. Every genuine friendship is a timely relationship. As such, a friendship can be seasonal, temporary, or permanent.

Seasonal friendship is one that is on and off, based on the season in either friend's life. Seasonal friendship is only useful and rewarding when the season is right, or else, one person or both become a bother to the other.

An example of a seasonal friend is a person who becomes your friend because your loved one died. This friendship was created by the season of bereavement, and its only reason may have been to help you get through the period of loss. By the way, the season that creates a friendship doesn't have to be a bad season; it can be a good one, as when two persons who get hired by a company at the same time become buddies.

Temporary friendship comes to an end after it has served its purpose. What is the difference between seasonal friendship and temporary friendship? Temporary friendship can begin at any ordinary time of your life; it is not connected to a season of loss or any other season of life.

Attempts to prolong a temporary friendship may create disrespect for a friend, resentment or even enmity towards an ex-friend. It is often better to let a temporary friendship die, or you may find yourself playing the undertaker, regretting why you revived the corpse, the dead body, in this case a dead friendship, in the first place. Friendship can never be a forced relationship; so, when it's over, let it go; when a friendship dies, lay it to rest.

Permanent friendship is the yearning of everyone who values friendship. Yet a lifelong friend is a treasure too few and far between.

After more than 40 years on Planet Earth, I can claim about 3 permanent friends so far, and one of them is my wife.

The average person so desires each and every friendship to be lifelong that she tries to force the issue and keep a friendship on life support, when it would be far better to eulogize the thing and just let it go to the trash bin of human relationships.

When you find a truly permanent friendship, the circumstances and dynamics of that relationship will serve to sustain it over the years. No need to repair a temp friend to make him or her perm.

If you are a typical person, over your lifetime, you will meet and make many seasonal friends, many temporary friends, but very few permanent friends.

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