Tuesday, July 29, 2008

End of the World Sure to Come: List of World Enders

The idea that our world will end is neither new nor weird. It is quite logical indeed.

In fact, the current debate over climate change is really about whether or not this world will end, and what we can do about it. But could the end of the world be an inevitable part of the process of life on Planet Earth? Who is to say that we humans possess the power to prevent or delay the end of ourselves?

There are many ways our world could either because of us or in spite of us. Here is a list of world enders, some ways to pull the curtains on human civilization:
  1. Weapon: atomic bomb; hydrogen bomb; biological or chemical weapon.
  2. Unintended result of scientific research.
  3. A post-human species that is a hybrid of humans and robots, or some other form of hybrid.
  4. The sun goes out. We think sunburn is something; wait till you see sunout.
  5. Global warming that turns our planet into a global oven
  6. Global cooling that ushers in the next ice age
  7. Pestilence ~ outbreak of an incurable disease that may be total new or an untreatable strand of a past or current disease
  8. A massive and global natural disaster; a combination or series of natural disasters
  9. War that spins ouf of control. There is no reason to doubt that the current "war on terror" may lead in that direction.
  10. Technology with a fatal flaw ~ speaking of a technological flaw that is fatal to the human race.

Why does it make sense to think that human civilization has an end? Because humans are not perfect, and whatever is imperfect cannot last forever.

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