Friday, July 25, 2008

Six Barebone Basics of Nutrition and Health

From all that I’ve read on healthy living, and based on my own experience over the last 9 years or so, here are the basic building blocks to healing and health:

1. Healthy Soul & Spirit: Your body cannot be healthy unless and until your mind becomes healthy. One way to develop mental and spiritual health, is to read healing Scriptures that can build your faith and produce inner peace and joy. This lays the foundation and sets the stage for you to believe and expect health and healing. (If you want a list of healing Scriptures from the Bible, leave your request with your comments on this blog.)

2. Detoxification: Detoxify your body. Toxins (poisons) enter our bodies everyday via many avenues ~ from foods, drinks, bath water, the air we breathe, some of the places we go. The first practical step towards great health is to cleanse your body and get the poisons out of your system with a good natural cleanse. Talk to your local health food store for a natural detox product, or get a product called Chelation Therapy from Dr. Ted Broer, 1-800-592-4325

3. Water Intake: It is not by mistake that our bodies are 75% water (or should be water). Drink purified water for total hydration. My wife and I drink water purified by reverse osmosis, a process that takes out the greatest amount of impurities from tap water. Rather than wasting money on expensive bottled water, which may not be that "purified" after all, just buy your water by the galloon from your local health food store, or from a grocery store.

4. Healthy Eating: Begin to think of healthy food as good medicine. That means, you don't eat just for taste or to get rid of hunger with a full stomach, but you eat for health. Your primary foods should be fruits, vegetables, grains & nuts, and whole-food products derived from these. Real fruit drinks are great, as you alternate between fruit beverages and water.

5. Multivitamin: Take a multivitamin daily. The one we’ve used for years is “Nature’s Optimal Nutrition” from Health Direct, 1-800-989-9531, or In addition to a daily multivitamin, Dr. Don Colbert recommends taking “a phytonutrient powder” and “Omega 3 fatty acids”. To get your Omega 3, you may take a fish oil supplement; the one we take is Rx Omega 3 Factors by Natural Factors (

6. Exercise: Never get too busy or too lazy to exercise daily. Your exercise regiment or "program" doesn’t have to be fancy or tedious. You can start with stretching and brisk walking. My primary exercise is brisk walking mixed with some jogging.

These days when it comes to nutritional health, there is a tendency to go fanatic and overspend, and you may do that if you can afford it. But if all you really want is just excellent health, without the "alternative health" religion, then the 6 building blocks mentioned above are really all that you need live healthy and heal fast.

Here are some websites where you can find lots of info from a nutritional health perspective. Warning: be careful not to overspend, as these websites are loaded with tons of products that could leave you broke. Just get the essentials, and leave the extras to the health fanatics or religionists.

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